I've got a theory
Csilla 2005.09.10. 15:55
Buffy: So did anybody… last night, did anybody um… burst into song?
Xander: Merciful Zeus!
Willow: We thought it was just us! |
Giles: Well, I sang but I had my guitar at the hotel…
Tara: It was bizarre. We were talking and then it was like—
Buffy: Like you were in a musical! |
Willow: We did a whole duet about dish washing.
Giles: That would explain the huge backing orchestra I couldn’t see and the synchronized dancing from the room service chaps. |
Anya: And we were arguing and then everything rhymed and there were harmonies and the dance with coconuts.
Xander: It was very disturbing. |
Giles: What did you sing about?
Buffy: I don’t remember. But it seemed perfectly normal. |
Xander But disturbing and not the natural order of things. And do you think it’ll happen again? |
Giles: I don’t know. I should look into it.
Willow: With the books.
Tara: Do we have any books on this? |
Xander Well, we just gotta break it down. Look at the factors before it happens again because I for one— |
Giles: I've got a theory That it's a demon A dancing demon! |

Eeech, something isn't right there |
Willow: I've got a theory Some kid is dreamin' And we're all stuck inside His wacky Broadway nightmare |

Xander: I've got a theory We should work this out |

Willow, Tara, Anya, Xander: It's getting eerie What's this cheery singing all about? |

Xander: It could be witches! Some evil witches |

Which is ridiculous, 'Cause witches, they were persecuted, Wiccan, good, and love the earth And woman power and I'll be over here |
Anya: I've got a theory It could be bunnies |
*crickets chirp* |
Tara: I've got a ... |
Anya: Bunnies aren't just cute Like everybody supposes! They got them hoppy legs And twitchy little noses! And what's with all the carrots? What do they need Such good eyesight for, anyway? |
Bunnies! Bunnies! |
It must be bunnies! |
Or maybe midgets? |
Willow: I've got a theory We should work this fast
Willow and Giles: Because it clearly Could get serious before it's past |

Buffy: I've got a theory It doesn't matter ...
